Monday 9 December 2019

The i targeting its audience

The i is targeted towards middle and upper class people this is shown by the advertisement in the i. There is lots of ads for expensive holidays such as sandals and British airways and travelling to Malta. This shows how the paper is targeted towards richer people as you would need money to be able to afford these holidays. The rest of the adverts are for expensive things such as Laura Ashley and DFS, which further highlights how the i is targeted towards middle and upper class people and people with money.

The i is also targeted towards people from a C1-A demographic, this is shown by the focus on hard news and not soft news. The whole front page focuses on Mugabe which is hard news, also in the skyline of the paper there a 3 stories, 2 of which are hard news and only one soft news. Inside the paper all of the news at the front is world news and news about politics. This shows that the people reading the i are more interested in politics and world news rather than news on celebrity's. The i is also a quality tabloid, so it focuses on hard news because of this.

The i is targeted towards millennial it does the by having a big focus on TV and sport. It has 7 pages focused towards sport. It further targets the audience by having a whole page focused towards horse racing, it also has a lot of rugby, football and golf. It also has a page dedicated towards TV, where there is a big TV guide for the whole day. There is also critic's choice showing the best TV and film on that day. It also shows what is new on Netflix which also shows how the i targets millennial's as it is mainly millennial's that watch Netflix and not the baby boomer generation.

Friday 15 November 2019

Newspaper language conventions

Types of newspapers

  • Broadsheets (quality tabloids)- The Guardian, The Times, The daily Telegraph, The I, The Financial Times.
  • Tabloid- The sun, Daily star
  • Mid Market Newspaper- Daily mail, Daily Express
  • Local Newspaper- The Essex Chronicle
  • Freesheets- Metro
  • Sunday Newspaper- The Observer, Sunday Times, Mail on Sunday

Mid Market tabloid

  • Typography- Dramatic headlines in large bold uppercase font (like a tabloid). Sometimes called a black top.
  • Traditional British news values- Daily mail with the royal family.
  • Headlines can explore moral panic- NHS, knife crime, weather.
  • Uses high impact tabloid style headlines but more text than tabloid.
  • Direct informal mood of address.
  • Use of pronouns to implied shared beliefs.
  • Meant to be more subjective than objective.
  • Cross between broadsheet and tabloid, soft and hard news.

Soft News- Celebrity gossip, sport, entertainment, fashion, art and culture and human interest.
Hard News- Politics, business and the economy, industry and technology, science, war and conflict, health and education.


  • Text to image ratio is much higher, more in depth.
  • Sophisticated, formal language
  • Objective / balanced news
  • Largely hard news 
  • Larger format, smaller typography
  • Main story, small letters, more words
Serif- Simple, straight lines typography.
Sans Serif- More complicated typography, less straight lines.

Newspapers front cover

Mid Market- Daily Mail
Daily Mail front page
The daily mail is more formal than the popular press however it is more informal than quality press. This is because it uses slang terms such as "slammed his brexit dithering". It uses this sort of language to appeal to a wide audience but specifically the middle class. It is normally a mix of hard and soft news on the front cover, normally featuring a bit about politics, the royals and celebrities. However, on today's newspaper it is only focused on politics and hard news. It does not have traditional serif masthead for the title but instead sans serif. This is done as it makes the title stand out and give the daily mail a strong sense of identity. It also makes them look like a traditional paper from the past which would make the general public trust them. It does have a capitalized banner headline that states "condemned by his own candidates". This makes the headline stand out and appeal to the middle class audience. The front page has a high image to copy ratio which features a large picture if Jeremy Corbyn and a little bit of writing, however the difference is marginal. The paper also has its own traditional logo at the top. This logo looks like it is from the past and it would give a strong sense of nationalism to the British public. All of the above helps the daily mail appeal to a British, middle age and middle class audience.       

Broadsheet- The Guardian     
Guardian front pageThe Guardian uses formal language and no slang such as "councils call for huge funding rise to tackle flood devastation." This is so it appeals to the upper class and people from the A-B demographic. The Guardian has a largely hard news agenda as the front page focuses on the election, flooding and councils. However, there is a bit of soft news at the top as it has some film news and celebrity news. This little bit of soft news makes the guardian appeal to a wider audience. It has traditional serif masthead writing. This allows for more copy on the front page and makes it look more intelligent. This helps it appeal to the target audience. The headline is also in traditional serif masthead and capitalized as in sentence. This makes it look more formal which appeals to the demographic A-B. The front page is largely dominated by copy with very few images. The copy is also very small so that it takes most of the room. The Guardian has news as information and not entertainment, this is because it mostly focuses on hard news. This therefore offers news as information. All of the above helps the guardian appeal to an upmarket and upper class people.

Tabloid- The sun
The Sun front pageThe Sun Uses very informal language such as "Three Lions Maul Monte". This is done as it appeals to the working class and gives the impression that it is like speaking to your friend. It has soft news as it focuses on football and celebrity gossip. It does have a bit of hard news as it has a bit of news of Nigel Farage. It has traditional serif masthead, in very bold writing. It also has white writing on red background. This is so the writing stands out. The headline is fully in bold, capitalized and in white on a black background. The front page is dominated by image with very little copy. This is so it appeals to lower class audience and a C2-E demographic. Most of the news are entertainment (soft news). All of the above helps the sun address a downmarket audience.

Friday 8 November 2019

Active Advert

The advert overall is good as it appeals to the target audience of a ten year old boy who wants a body spray. It also uses different angles and frames to capture the different shots. It also uses different music to capture the correct mood. It also shows the product so the audience can remember it.

To improve the advert the shots could have been filmed as one continuous shot or in the same position as between the shots the cuts look bad as the background changes. We could also use voice over to explain the story. I also could have used different songs that go together better. I think to improve this we could have storyboard the advert better so it was better planned.

Fruitella advert

The advert is good as it matches up with the timing of the original fruitella advert. Most of the shots are the same.overall To improve the advert we need to get the missing shot of the newspaper. Also a few of the shots are not identical to the original with close up in the original advert being a longshot in ours. As well the video was filmed in lots of different rooms so sometimes the cuts looked bad as the background changed.

Assessment 1A

Tuesday 5 November 2019

HWK Newspapers Research

Activity 1 – researching the decline in print newspaper circulations

Average Daily Print Circulation for National Newspapers for January 2000, in millions
The sun now currently has a daily print circulation of 1.3 million, Daily mail 1.2 million, Daily mirror has 0.5 million, Daily telegraph 0.3 million, Daily star 0.3 million, Daily express 0.3 million, The Times 0.4 million, Financial times 0.2 million, The Guardian 0.1 million, the Independent no longer prints.

1.      Which newspaper(s) no longer has print editions?
In March 2016 The Independent stopped print editions of their newspapers. Instead they are fully online newspaper.
2.      Which new national newspapers have been founded?
The I was founded in 2010 was a sister newspaper to the Independent but it was acquired by Johnston Press in 2016. It is a broadsheet. The sun on Sundays was first founded in 2012. It is a Tabloid.
3.      What is the general trend in newspaper circulation?
Newspapers has been in decline there has been a weekday circulation drop off 7% and Sunday circulation has dropped by 4%. 
4.      Which genre of newspaper has had the steepest decline – the red-top tabloids, the middle-market newspapers, or the broadsheets?

Broadsheets have had the steepest circulation decline as tabloids sell more print. However, Broadsheets get more hits on their websites than tabloid newspapers do.

Activity 3 – Concentration of ownership

Newspaper Groups
National Daily Titles Owned
Daily Circulation in millions (percentage of total)
News International
Sun, The Times
2.0 (36%)
Daily Mail and General Trust
Daily Mail
1.3 (23%)
Reach plc
Daily Express, Daily Star, Daily Mirror
1.3 (23%)
Telegraph Group
Daily Telegraph
0.4  (7%)
Johnston Press
0.3  (5%)
Nikkei/ Financial Times Ltd
Financial Times
0.2  (4%)
Guardian Media Group
The Guardian
0.1  (2%)
What percentage of daily circulation is owned by the top three owners?
The top three owners News International, Daily Mail and Reach plc sell 82% of the total newspapers sold. This amounts to 4.6 million newspapers daily.

Name the two writers who argue that concentration of ownership decreases quality and choice in newspapers. 
Doyle says that too much concentration of media ownership is dangerous as the media has too much power. Marxists that the big cooperation’s dominant which limits choice. 
Image result for tabloid newspaper front cover
This was printed by the sun on Tuesday 16th of October 2016 it is published by the News group Newspapers. This is a tabloid and the intended audience of the sun is both male and female from a C1-E demographic. They appeal to this demographic by having the picture from Team America World Police a film they would recognize. It also has little writing and more pictures on the front to appeal. The title of the article is "how do you solve a problem like Korea", this sets a serious tone as it shows how dangerous Korea is. This danger is emphasized by the sun pointing out the "fury at nuke tests". The picture is of Kim Jung Il from Team America World Police. This portrays the North Koreans as being stupid and a joke. It also portrays them in negative light. This front cover overall portrays the North Koreans in a negative light and nuclear weapons in a negative light. 

Tuesday 15 October 2019


Stuart Hall's reception theory

Communication is a process involving producers encoding products and the audience decoding them. There are three hypothetical positions from which messages may be decoded. 

The dominant position- the encoders meaning is fully understood and accepted.
The negotiated position- The meaning of the encoders term is acknowledge and understood, although the message is adapted or negotiated by the decoder.
The oppositional position- The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way. 


The dominant position would be that by driving a mercedes you would be the best and powerful.
The negotiated position would be that driving the mercedes would not make you the best but happier as it is a good car.
The oppositional position would be that how you would feel would not be effected by what car you drvie.

Albert Bandura media effects theory

That media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly. Media representations of transgressive behavior such as violence and physical aggression, can lead audience members to imitate these behaviors. Violence is prevalent in media so the audience sees violence as an acceptable way to deal with situations and people begin to model the behavior.
An example of Albert Bandura's media effect theory is a clockwork orange was linked as the reasons for rapes and violent attacks.
Natural born killers is a violent film released in 1994. It got banned in Ireland due to its violence and was linked to the murder of bill savage
The columbine shooters was influenced by the performer marily.n manson

George Gerbner cultivation theory

The idea that exposure to repeated patterns over a long period of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world. Media messages are directly injected but are built up by a series of repetition and enforcing the message.
Teenagers who watched 16 and pregnant were more likely to be pregnent.

Steve neale

Steve Neale states that genre is made of repetition and difference. Genre is defined by how much it conforms to the genres conventions and stereotypes. 
An example of Steve Neale's theory is shaun of the dead as all though it is a zombie horror it also features a lot of comedy.

Friday 11 October 2019

Audience notes

Demographic A- Higher management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Professionals.
Demographic B- Middle management, Teachers, Creative and media.
Demographic C1- Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, white collar jobs.
Demographic C2- Skilled manual worker, plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs.
Demographic D- Semi Skilled, Unskilled manual workers.
Dempgraphic E- Unemployed, Student, Pensioners.

An audience response could be based on their Cultural experience, Historical competence, Situated culture, Gender, Ethnicity and Age.

Aspirers- Seek status. Materialistic, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Typically younger people.
Succeeders- Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, work ethics and organisation. Typically higher management and proffesionals.
Resigned- Seek survival. Rigid values. Interested in past and tradition. Typically older people.
Explorers- Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Likes adventure. Typically a younger demographic.
Strugglers- Seeks escape. Alienated and disorganised. Has few resources. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. Typically lower demographic.
Reformers- Seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restrictions. Personal growth. Social awareness. Anti-materialistic.

Stuart Hall's reception theory

Communication is a process involving producers encoding products and the audience decoding them. There are three hypothetical positions from which messages may be decoded. 

The dominant position- the encoders meaning is fully understood and accepted.
The negotiated position- The meaning of the encoders term is acknowledge and understood, although the message is adapted or negotiated by the decoder.
The oppositional position- The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way.   

Representation booklet

Thursday 3 October 2019

Representation notes

Everything in the media is a construction which is done by the process of selection, omission and construction.

Stereotypes- shortcuts we use to associate one thing with another. These are repeated so we think that they are true.

Archetypes- an extreme stereotype.

Counter type- a representation which challenges stereotypes.


This is a countertype as it is a women carrying a knife, this would normally be expected of males. Also the woman has been working out and got lots of muscles which is another stereotype.

This is a countertype as it is an old lady lifting weights. This is a countertype as an old lady would not be expected to go to the gym.

This is a countertype as it is large person playing sport.


The sound starts off with diagetic sound that is coming from off screen, through the characters helmet. This is done as it emphasises to the audience how alone the characters are which shows how much danger the astronauts are in. There is then some non diagetic dialogue that comes from off screen. This speech is mumbled and hard to hear, this adds to the panic of the situation. Then non diagetic parallel music begins, this adds to the panic even further. This tense music gets louder until the debris hit, this further adds to the tension. When the debris hits and the astronaut starts spinning the music abruptly stops for a second and then changes tempo. This is to highlight to the audience how now the situation is more dangerous than expected. The music gets louder as the astronaut moves towards the camera and quieter as she moves away. This is done so the audience can feel like they are also in the spin and therefore lets them also feel the panic of the astronaut. When she detaches the music slowly fades out as she moves out of the shot. This is done to highlight how alone she is now in space.

Contrapuntal / parrallel
Diagetic / non diagetic

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Boyz in da hood

The opening starts with off screen dialogue that leads to a shot out. This is done as it straight away highlights how dangerous of a place the kids are growing up in is. It also shocks the audience straight away as to how bad things can be in America. The camera then immediately zooms in a stop sign. This is to show that something needs to change and all the violence needs to stop but it is also done to highlight to the audience that this is happening in America. The film then gives a lot of screen time to the little kids. This is done to make the murders to be more shocking as the kids are meant to represent innocent and it almost acts as a warning to shown is all the pictures that the kids are drawing. The dissolve cut is done as it shows to the audience that the violence on the streets carries on in the classroom, this makes it even more shocking, this highlights how the kids can’t escape it. Before showing the classroom it focuses on the pictures that the children have drawn. The kids are drawing pictures of violence which shows that this is normal to them and that they don’t have a problem with it. This would further shock the audience. Before, while the kids are walking to school they find a street that has lots of blood, the kids are unfazed by what they see. This would shock and surprise the audience as they would expect the kids to be shocked by it. The film also focuses a lot in its setting of the working class urban setting, there is stray dogs t the riots that are to come. There is then a dissolve cut to the classroom were the first thing that ishat run about at the start which highlight how poor the community is, this is further emphasized by all the rubbish about which shows that they live in a dirty horrible place.  This is to highlight how horrific of a place it is to live. The audience would be shocked that this place is in America. On the wall there is a campaign picture for Bush running for presidency which has loads of bullet holes through it, this is to show how this community feels neglected by the president as they want him dead. This eludes to riots that come later. The clip also shows the white middle class female teacher being asking about the black mothers education and being surprised that she goes to college. This is done to highlight a stereotype that the teacher has of black people in this community not being educated. The main theme of the opening is that all of the violence is horrible and will lead to further violence. This is highlighted by it focusing on the kids who seem to have no problem with the violence and see it as normal. Another theme of the opening is race which is highlighted by the community and the argument in the classroom. The argument in the classroom shows that everyone is the same which is highlighted by the main characters speech. The speech also shows that the main character and subsequently his parents are very smart which is a counter type. This is to further show that we are all the same.

Friday 27 September 2019

Ghost ship

There is upbeat, classical music at the start this starts of by being parallel to the mood however by the end it becomes contrapuntal to the mood. It is parallel at the start as it gives a false sense of security to the audience. This makes the ending even more shocking. The start of the opening starts off at a slow pace and lots of dissolve cuts. This is also done to give the audience a false sense of security as the scene starts of calm. At the start the camera moves around the boat showing it all to the audience. This further gives them the false sense of security as they have been shown the whole boat and they would think that nothing could go wrong. This also further emphasises how many people were killed to the audience as they understand how many people were on the boat. Before, the machine with the wire is shown the opening has high key lighting. This further emphasises that there is nothing wrong on the boat, this makes the ending more shocking. However, once the machine is shown there is now low key lighting. This makes the deaths more intense and scary and it matches the horror genre trope.
The opening of up has non diagetic, orchestral music throughout the whole opening. The music gets quite and much slower when sad things happen such as when Ellie is told that she wont be able to have a child. This is done to emphasise the sadness for the audience. At that scene the lighting gets much darker and becomes low key, this contrasts to the rest of the clip. This further emphasises the loneliness. The transition to that scene the camera moves from the nursery to the hospital. This shows the audience how much they wanted children and therefore emphasises their sadness.
Inside the prison there is brighter lighting than when he leaves the prison. This shows to the audience that him getting out is a bad thing due to what he is going to do once he is out of prison. The music is quiet as he leaves the prison and then it gets loud again once he is outside. This is done to show that now he has left prison he is going to do something bad and it would have been better if he stayed there. When he walks out of the prison it is filmed in one take until it cuts to outside the prison as the door shuts behind him. This is to emphasise him leaving prison and that he will not come back.
It starts with a non diagetic indie rock song over a montage of the teenagers having fun. This song is used as it represents that they are having fun and that they do not need to care about anything. The fast paced montage is also used to emphasise this. The start is also set in an upper class american neighbourhood. This is done to show why the teenagers don't care about anything and to show how easy things are for them.

The opening of the matrix has low key lighting. This is done because it makes unclear to the audience who the antagonist and protagonist are. This makes the escape much more intense. When trinity first starts to beat up the police it goes in slow motion. This is done as it shows how powerful trinity is and to make the fighting look cool. When she jumps the camera does a 360 around her to further emphasise this. During the fight every punch and kick is at a hyper realistic volume to further emphasise Trinity's power.

Monday 23 September 2019

Thursday 12 September 2019

genre/ photos

The genre for these pictures is musical. One of the pictures is set inside a room with a piano and the second one outside. They are both in bright lighting and weather, this shows the happiness of the genre. These both present happy themes to go with the genre. The first picture the main icon is the piano, this represents the musical genre as someone is playing the piano and becoming a musician. In the second picture the main icon is the microphone, this once again represents the genre. The narrative of both of these pictures is of someone becoming a musician. For these pictures to be improved they could feature different angles, longshots and close ups.

The genre for bot of these pictures is action. Both of these pictures is set outside in gloomy and dark and weather, filled with clouds. Both of these has dark lighting to show the death in an action genre. They both have the themes of action and death as they feature death and fighting. Both of these pictures feature no icons and are just people using there fists to fight. These pictures have very little narrative. For these pictures to be improved they could feature different angles, longshots and close ups.

Semiotics film poster

Image result for silence of the lambs poster

From this poster I can denote the white girl in at the center of the poster. The colour white as well as the young girl give the connotations of purity and innocence, which represents the girl. Another denotation is that the girl has red eyes. This has connotations of blood and anger and also lust. 

Another denotation from this poster is the moth covering the girls mouth. The moth gives connotations of freedom as the moth could fly away. However, it could also give the exact opposite connotation of the girl being stuck and controlled by someone else, as a moth could be trapped in a glass by someone more powerful just as the girl is being controlled by someone more powerful. Also from the moth I can denote a skull sign on its back. This has connotations of death and danger, which like the moth is surrounding her. Another denotation from the moth is that it is a dirty yellow colour. The dirty yellow has connotations of caution, showing that the character will need to be careful due to the danger engulfing her. The dirty yellow can also have connotations of decay and sickness, this also significant as it could represent that what the character is going to go through will be sickening and almost decay at her personality.  

Another denotation is the colours in the poster (the white to the left the darkness to the right). The connotations if white is the purity and innocence of the main character and how that she is good a person. The connotations of the  darkness to the right represents death, danger, fear and bad things that are going to happen. The darkness is engulfing the main character which shows that the darkness is surrounding her and bad things will happen to her.

    Another denotation is the close up the shot of Clarice. The connotation

Semiotics notes


Semiotics is study of signs. It also means anything which stands for something else.
Denotation- What we see when we look at an image.
Connotation- What we understand from the meaning.
Halls theory- audiences can have different reactions to a media text, whether it will be a film, documentary, newspaper or an image. POLYSEMIA.
Preferred reading- How the creator wants the audience to view the media.
oppositional reading- where the intended meaning of the media is opposed by the audience.

Monday 9 September 2019

Genre (poster)

Image result for nolan film poster
The poster is set in an unspecified major city in America. It features lots of modern glass skyscrapers that are raised high up, right into the clouds. This makes the buildings feel almost out of this world and makes the city feel overwhelming. There is also a big white brick house in between two of the skyscrapers. This creates intrigue as to why the house is there and shows the mystery of the film. It is set in the middle of the day yet the sun is being covered by clouds, skyscrapers and the main character. This eludes to something bad is going to happen or about to happen as all the light is being covered by the darkness. There is big storm clouds over head covering the sky and turning it into a dark grey colour, which shows that something bad is going to happen. Also the main character is standing knee deep in a flood. This represents that something bad is happening, furthermore as the water level is rising it shows that this character will have an internal struggle with morality as the darkness inside of him may consume him.

This poster shows the theme good vs evil and mainly does this through colour imagery, with the brightness of the sun (representing good) and the darkness (representing bad) fighting for the forefront of the poster. Furthermore, the poster shows the theme of guilt which is represented by the main character having his back to the camera. This shows he feels guilty about something and also that he is trying to hide a secret that he wants no-one to know.

The most significant prop in the picture is the main characters pistol. The pistol is quite small in the poster which shows how little power it gives the character. Also the pistol is black against a bright backdrop, this could be to represent that the pistol is bad and the destruction it will cause.

The quote at the top of the poster "your mind is the scene of the crime" gives the most away about the plot. It shows that it is going to be a heist movie. It also shows that is a mystery movie as the quote would make the audience wonder what is actually going to happen.

The poster features a single middle aged, middle class, white, male character. In the poster he is belittled by the skyscrapers all around which make him look very small. This represents the lack of power he has.

The camera is positioned at a slight tilt which makes the skyscrapers look bigger and the character smaller. This emphasizes the lack of power the character has and also highlights how overwhelming the buildings are.

Sunday 8 September 2019

Summer work

Summer task 1

See the source image

The US poster is expertly targeted for a horror audience as it both intrigues the audience, and all sends a chill down their spine. The background of the poster is complete pitch darkness, the darkness represents fear and plays on the natural fear of the dark. The audience will also be left questioning what the darkness is hiding, and this intrigue would draw a horror audience in.
The character is wearing a red jumpsuit, this stands out against the dark backdrop. The red symbolises blood and the bloodshed in the movie. This would appeal to a horror fan. The character is also wearing a brown leather glove this also stands out against the red jumpsuit, this would once again intrigue a horror audience as they would wonder what it is hiding.
The brown glove is lifting off an identical mask of the characters face, this appeals to a horror audience as it also promises bloodshed. It is also extremely intriguing and would draw an audience in. The audience would be questioning what this meant. It hints to the clone of the character in the film.
The face of the character has wide bulging eyes and a tear rolling down it. This is creepy and would intrigue a horror audience as they would wonder what it meant as it eludes to the creepiness of the films. Also, the audience would wonder why she is crying especially as her face does not look, she is crying despite the tear. However, the creepiest part of the poster is he bloodshot right eye poking through the mask. The eyes poking out hints at duel personalities and that the mask and the person are the same. The bloodshot eye also hints at blood and violence that would intrigue a horror fan.
The writing on the poster is a bright white which stands out from the pitch-dark background. This means it highlights Jordan Peele and brings in horror fans by mentioning his previous film get out. At the bottom of the poster the eerie words “watch yourself” is written. This would intrigue a horror fan and these words would mean that the audience would remember the poster. Finally, the poster has the title “us” written with white lines moved around the poster. This is also drawing an audience in as it is different from all the other writing on the poster and makes the audience question why that is.
Overall this poster is excellent at intriguing a horror fan as it makes them want to watch us, by making them desperate to know what the film is about without revealing anything about the film. It also appeals to horror fans by being a creepy and scary poster.

Summer task 2

In the Deutschland 83 trailer the director shows the characters lack of control over the situation after the countdown hits 0. The first way in which the characters lack of control is shown is by the fast-paced editing as the trailer quickly cuts from one scene to another. This represents the character’s lack of control as he is thrown into increasingly different situations and has very little control over the outcome. This fast-paced editing also shows the unpredictability of what is happening as the audience can barely comprehend what they have seen before it cuts to another scene. This is like the character who can barely comprehend what is happening to him. Also the editing is a bit slower at the start of the trailer which highlights that the character has more control over the situation at the start but starts to lose control as the situation escalates as the editing becomes quicker. This is also shown by as when the countdown hits 0 the character turns and runs out of the frame. This shows that immediately he has lost control over the situation.
Another way the director shows the lack of control the character has is by the shots with him. Most of the shots feature the main character with someone else, which shows that the people around him have all the control and he is reliant on these people for his safety. This is also highlighted at the start of the trailer by all the shots of the supervisors showing him what to do and giving him the correct clothes, this shows that the supervisors have all the control. This is emphasised by being at the start of the trailer as it shows that the character has little control over his own circumstances. The shots with the character by himself also show the little control he has over the situation as a lot of him feature him running, yet he is not at the centre of the frame, he is either to back or the side. The director purposefully had him at the back or the side of the frame as it shows what is happening is more important than him and he has little control of the outcome of his own consequences. This also hints at him being in danger as it eludes to something being behind or to the side of him which could cause him harm. Finally, majority of the close up of the character show him either in fear or shock, which presents the immediate danger to him.
Finally, throughout the trailer the music creates a ticking sound much like a bomb. The director done this as it shows how little the character can actually do just as there would be very little the character could do if a bomb was to go off. The sound also creates a lot of suspense as it leaves the audience nervous and on the edge of their seat wondering what the outcome of the supposed bomb would be. However, the music and the ticking sound does stop when a bomb does go off in the background of the frame. This therefore creates a lot of mystery around the explosion as the audience wonders why it so important and also leaves the audience questioning the characters involvement in the explosion due to his lack of control throughout the trailer.

Summer task 3 

See the source image
The daily mail takes a more positive view of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister than the guardian which takes a more negative view.
The daily mail shows this more positive view firstly it does this by having the big words “NOW BRING US SUNSHINE” and having “SUNSHINE” written in bright yellow with an exclamation mark at the end. This portrays it in a positive light by emphasising that Johnson will bring the sunshine and therefore good things to the country. They also portray him in a positive light by emphasising that he “wins landslide vote with a burst of optimism”. By emphasising that he won by a “landslide” it portrays that he would have been the best possible candidate. Finally, by saying “a burst of optimism” it portrays Johnson in positive light by portraying this burst as something the country desperately needs as before this it lists bad things about to happen for the country “EU talks looming, rebel MPs plotting”. This therefore portrays Johnson as a good guy who the country desperately needs. Finally, the picture portrays Johnson in a positive light as it shows Johnson dancing which shows that he is good fun. Also, the picture takes up the whole of the front page which presents how important the daily mail think Johnson is.
The guardian shows Boris Johnson becoming prime minister in a more negative light. Firstly, it does this by saying “an ambition is fulfilled”. This presents Johnson in a more negative light, as it presents Johnson being prime minister as not a good thing for the country but instead just a permanent ambition for Johnson. The guardian emphasises this by saying “but what next for Britain”. This also shows that Johnson is not good for the country. The picture of Johnson also shows him in a negative light by portraying him as being a joke. The picture is off him pulling a ridiculous face and giving two thumbs up to show that he has succeeded. However, this picture in context with the headline portrays Johnson as an idiot. Finally, unlike the daily mail the picture only takes up about a third of the front page. This therefore portrays Johnson as being unimportant as he does not take up the whole page. This could hint to guardian believing that Johnson being prime minister will not last that long.
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See the source image

Are you beach body ready advertising campaign is aimed at younger women. It seemingly suggests that the women featured in the picture is how every women should aspire look. It asks the question “are you beach body ready” and then presenting the “weight loss collection”. This therefore seemingly suggests that you need to loss weight to become beach body ready. Are you beach body ready suggests that all women should aspire to look like the women featured on the AD and should be ashamed if they don’t.

However, this girl can advertising campaign is aimed at all women no matter their age, ethnicity or if they have a disability. It shows women of all different ethnicity, age and gender participating in all different types of sports and shows that their body shape should not dictate what they feel able to do. It does this by breaking down stereotypes and showing that everyone is different and that there is nothing wring with that. This unlike the are you beach body ready shows people in a more realistic light and exudes confidence. The name of the campaign “this girl can” further shows that women can do whatever they want ant that they should not be held back by stereotypes.

Summer task 4

The big six in the film industry are the largest six production company who bring in the most money at the box office and hold the biggest market share.
Warner Bros. Pictures. - they are the most prolific of the big six of the production companies and makes up 19.7% of the market share. Some of their big franchises include Harry Potter, lord of the rings, the hobbit, the matrix and DC. Warner Bros are a subsidiary of time warner other subsidiaries are new line cinema and HBO.
One of the biggest films produced by Warner Bros last year was Aquaman which was released on the 21st of December 2018. Aquaman was directed by James Wan and starred Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Willem Dafoe. It was in cinema for 15 weeks and made 335 million domestic (America) and 813 million foreign which led to a total box office of 1.15 billion. It done this on an estimated budget of 160 million dollars.
Paramount pictures- the second largest of the big six and makes up 15.5% of the market share. Some of their big films include titanic the transformers franchise, Indiana jones and mission impossible. Paramount also owns nickelodeon, MTV and comedy central.
One of the biggest films produced by paramount last year was mission impossible fallout which was released on the 27th of July 2018. It was directed by Cristopher McQuarrie and starred Tom Cruise, Henry Caville, Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson. It was in cinemas for 12 weeks and made 220 million dollars domestic and 570 million foreign leading to an overall box office of 790 million. It had a budget of 178 million dollars.
Walt Disney- hold 15.3% of the market share. Walt Disney also owns Pixar, marvel and Lucasfilm. They have had some of the biggest box office successes in recent years and currently hold the highest box office ever with avenger’s endgame.
Walt Disney currently holds the box office record with avengers endgame which was released on the 26th of April 2019. It was directed by Joe and Anthony Russo and starred Chris Evans, Robert Downey JR. and Scarlet Johansson. It was in cinemas for 18 weeks and made 858 million domestic and 1.9 billion foreign, giving it an overall box office of 2.796 billion dollars. It had a budget of 356 million dollars
Colombia pictures- holds 12.9% of the market share. Some of their biggest films include the James Bond and Spiderman franchises. They are a subsidiary of Sony who also own Tri-Star pictures.
One of Colombia/ Sony pictures biggest releases of last year was Venom which was released on the 5th of October 2018. It was directed by Ruben Fleischer and starred Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams. It was in cinemas for 16 weeks and domestically made 213 million and foreign 642 adding up to 856 million worldwide. It had a production budget of 100 million.
Universal pictures- hold 12.2% of the market share with some of the major films being the Bourne series, Jaws, E.T and Jurassic park. They are owned by NBC and also own DreamWorks and illumination.
Universal’s biggest release of 2018 was Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom which was released on the 22nd of June 2018. It was directed by J.A Bayona and starred Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. It was in cinemas for 15 weeks and made 417 million domestic and 890 million foreign for a worldwide box office of 1.3 billion. It had a production budget of 170 million.
20th century fox- hold 11.9% of the market share, some of their big films include x-men, avatar, die hard and planet of the apes. 20th century fox also owns Hulu and fox searchlight. 20th century fox was recently purchased by Walt Disney, so all of their films and subsidiaries now belong to Walt Disney. Due to this the big six could now become the big 5.
20th Century fox biggest release of 2018 was Deadpool 2 which opened on May 18th 2018. Deadpool 2 was directed by David Leitch and starred Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin. It had a domestic gross of 324 million and foreign on 460 million which led to a worldwide gross of 785 million dollars which it made in 22 weeks in cinemas. It had a production budget of 110 million dollars.

Friday 6 September 2019

Mood Board

The Shawshank Redemption
Peaky Blinders
Video Game:
Witcher 3
See the source imageMagazine:
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The Guardian
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BBC Radio 1
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Youtube video

This video uses close up and shots focused on the actors Leonardo Dicaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Al Pacino. They do this as the audience will be made excited to see these actors as they are some of the best and most famous in the world. There is also a lot of fast cuts which highlight the madness of the characters and the story. The trailer also uses loads of bright lighting to highlight the characters and their actions, this helps to build up excitement for the film and portrays at as something important. This is emphasized by the glittery gold writing which helps build excitement for the film and highlight the actors. The actors are also emphasized by the lack of music so the focus is on their voice.

This movie is produced by Columbia Pictures which is owned by Sony Pictures. Columbia pictures was founded 10th January 1924 during the golden age of Hollywood, like how this film focuses on the golden age of Hollywood.

It would appeal to fans of Tarantino movies and of independent films. This is because it focuses on Tarantino and his actors and emphasis camera techniques he is known for. This would excite these fans and turn the film into a spectacle.

The trailer features mainly white upper class actors, however it also features an Italian America actor and features a Chinese man playing Jackie Chan. Feature them would make the trailer appeal to them.