Tuesday 1 October 2019

Boyz in da hood

The opening starts with off screen dialogue that leads to a shot out. This is done as it straight away highlights how dangerous of a place the kids are growing up in is. It also shocks the audience straight away as to how bad things can be in America. The camera then immediately zooms in a stop sign. This is to show that something needs to change and all the violence needs to stop but it is also done to highlight to the audience that this is happening in America. The film then gives a lot of screen time to the little kids. This is done to make the murders to be more shocking as the kids are meant to represent innocent and it almost acts as a warning to shown is all the pictures that the kids are drawing. The dissolve cut is done as it shows to the audience that the violence on the streets carries on in the classroom, this makes it even more shocking, this highlights how the kids can’t escape it. Before showing the classroom it focuses on the pictures that the children have drawn. The kids are drawing pictures of violence which shows that this is normal to them and that they don’t have a problem with it. This would further shock the audience. Before, while the kids are walking to school they find a street that has lots of blood, the kids are unfazed by what they see. This would shock and surprise the audience as they would expect the kids to be shocked by it. The film also focuses a lot in its setting of the working class urban setting, there is stray dogs t the riots that are to come. There is then a dissolve cut to the classroom were the first thing that ishat run about at the start which highlight how poor the community is, this is further emphasized by all the rubbish about which shows that they live in a dirty horrible place.  This is to highlight how horrific of a place it is to live. The audience would be shocked that this place is in America. On the wall there is a campaign picture for Bush running for presidency which has loads of bullet holes through it, this is to show how this community feels neglected by the president as they want him dead. This eludes to riots that come later. The clip also shows the white middle class female teacher being asking about the black mothers education and being surprised that she goes to college. This is done to highlight a stereotype that the teacher has of black people in this community not being educated. The main theme of the opening is that all of the violence is horrible and will lead to further violence. This is highlighted by it focusing on the kids who seem to have no problem with the violence and see it as normal. Another theme of the opening is race which is highlighted by the community and the argument in the classroom. The argument in the classroom shows that everyone is the same which is highlighted by the main characters speech. The speech also shows that the main character and subsequently his parents are very smart which is a counter type. This is to further show that we are all the same.

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