Thursday 3 October 2019


The sound starts off with diagetic sound that is coming from off screen, through the characters helmet. This is done as it emphasises to the audience how alone the characters are which shows how much danger the astronauts are in. There is then some non diagetic dialogue that comes from off screen. This speech is mumbled and hard to hear, this adds to the panic of the situation. Then non diagetic parallel music begins, this adds to the panic even further. This tense music gets louder until the debris hit, this further adds to the tension. When the debris hits and the astronaut starts spinning the music abruptly stops for a second and then changes tempo. This is to highlight to the audience how now the situation is more dangerous than expected. The music gets louder as the astronaut moves towards the camera and quieter as she moves away. This is done so the audience can feel like they are also in the spin and therefore lets them also feel the panic of the astronaut. When she detaches the music slowly fades out as she moves out of the shot. This is done to highlight how alone she is now in space.

Contrapuntal / parrallel
Diagetic / non diagetic

1 comment:

  1. Post title sound and then you can write what MCDOVED stands for
