Friday 11 October 2019

Audience notes

Demographic A- Higher management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Professionals.
Demographic B- Middle management, Teachers, Creative and media.
Demographic C1- Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, white collar jobs.
Demographic C2- Skilled manual worker, plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs.
Demographic D- Semi Skilled, Unskilled manual workers.
Dempgraphic E- Unemployed, Student, Pensioners.

An audience response could be based on their Cultural experience, Historical competence, Situated culture, Gender, Ethnicity and Age.

Aspirers- Seek status. Materialistic, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Typically younger people.
Succeeders- Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, work ethics and organisation. Typically higher management and proffesionals.
Resigned- Seek survival. Rigid values. Interested in past and tradition. Typically older people.
Explorers- Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Likes adventure. Typically a younger demographic.
Strugglers- Seeks escape. Alienated and disorganised. Has few resources. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. Typically lower demographic.
Reformers- Seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restrictions. Personal growth. Social awareness. Anti-materialistic.

Stuart Hall's reception theory

Communication is a process involving producers encoding products and the audience decoding them. There are three hypothetical positions from which messages may be decoded. 

The dominant position- the encoders meaning is fully understood and accepted.
The negotiated position- The meaning of the encoders term is acknowledge and understood, although the message is adapted or negotiated by the decoder.
The oppositional position- The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way.   

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