Tuesday 15 October 2019


Stuart Hall's reception theory

Communication is a process involving producers encoding products and the audience decoding them. There are three hypothetical positions from which messages may be decoded. 

The dominant position- the encoders meaning is fully understood and accepted.
The negotiated position- The meaning of the encoders term is acknowledge and understood, although the message is adapted or negotiated by the decoder.
The oppositional position- The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way. 


The dominant position would be that by driving a mercedes you would be the best and powerful.
The negotiated position would be that driving the mercedes would not make you the best but happier as it is a good car.
The oppositional position would be that how you would feel would not be effected by what car you drvie.

Albert Bandura media effects theory

That media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly. Media representations of transgressive behavior such as violence and physical aggression, can lead audience members to imitate these behaviors. Violence is prevalent in media so the audience sees violence as an acceptable way to deal with situations and people begin to model the behavior.
An example of Albert Bandura's media effect theory is a clockwork orange was linked as the reasons for rapes and violent attacks.
Natural born killers is a violent film released in 1994. It got banned in Ireland due to its violence and was linked to the murder of bill savage
The columbine shooters was influenced by the performer marily.n manson

George Gerbner cultivation theory

The idea that exposure to repeated patterns over a long period of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world. Media messages are directly injected but are built up by a series of repetition and enforcing the message.
Teenagers who watched 16 and pregnant were more likely to be pregnent.

Steve neale

Steve Neale states that genre is made of repetition and difference. Genre is defined by how much it conforms to the genres conventions and stereotypes. 
An example of Steve Neale's theory is shaun of the dead as all though it is a zombie horror it also features a lot of comedy.

Friday 11 October 2019

Audience notes

Demographic A- Higher management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Professionals.
Demographic B- Middle management, Teachers, Creative and media.
Demographic C1- Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, white collar jobs.
Demographic C2- Skilled manual worker, plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs.
Demographic D- Semi Skilled, Unskilled manual workers.
Dempgraphic E- Unemployed, Student, Pensioners.

An audience response could be based on their Cultural experience, Historical competence, Situated culture, Gender, Ethnicity and Age.

Aspirers- Seek status. Materialistic, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Typically younger people.
Succeeders- Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, work ethics and organisation. Typically higher management and proffesionals.
Resigned- Seek survival. Rigid values. Interested in past and tradition. Typically older people.
Explorers- Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Likes adventure. Typically a younger demographic.
Strugglers- Seeks escape. Alienated and disorganised. Has few resources. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. Typically lower demographic.
Reformers- Seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restrictions. Personal growth. Social awareness. Anti-materialistic.

Stuart Hall's reception theory

Communication is a process involving producers encoding products and the audience decoding them. There are three hypothetical positions from which messages may be decoded. 

The dominant position- the encoders meaning is fully understood and accepted.
The negotiated position- The meaning of the encoders term is acknowledge and understood, although the message is adapted or negotiated by the decoder.
The oppositional position- The encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with it, reading it in a contrary or oppositional way.   

Representation booklet


Thursday 3 October 2019

Representation notes

Everything in the media is a construction which is done by the process of selection, omission and construction.

Stereotypes- shortcuts we use to associate one thing with another. These are repeated so we think that they are true.

Archetypes- an extreme stereotype.

Counter type- a representation which challenges stereotypes.


This is a countertype as it is a women carrying a knife, this would normally be expected of males. Also the woman has been working out and got lots of muscles which is another stereotype.

This is a countertype as it is an old lady lifting weights. This is a countertype as an old lady would not be expected to go to the gym.

This is a countertype as it is large person playing sport.


The sound starts off with diagetic sound that is coming from off screen, through the characters helmet. This is done as it emphasises to the audience how alone the characters are which shows how much danger the astronauts are in. There is then some non diagetic dialogue that comes from off screen. This speech is mumbled and hard to hear, this adds to the panic of the situation. Then non diagetic parallel music begins, this adds to the panic even further. This tense music gets louder until the debris hit, this further adds to the tension. When the debris hits and the astronaut starts spinning the music abruptly stops for a second and then changes tempo. This is to highlight to the audience how now the situation is more dangerous than expected. The music gets louder as the astronaut moves towards the camera and quieter as she moves away. This is done so the audience can feel like they are also in the spin and therefore lets them also feel the panic of the astronaut. When she detaches the music slowly fades out as she moves out of the shot. This is done to highlight how alone she is now in space.

Contrapuntal / parrallel
Diagetic / non diagetic

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Boyz in da hood

The opening starts with off screen dialogue that leads to a shot out. This is done as it straight away highlights how dangerous of a place the kids are growing up in is. It also shocks the audience straight away as to how bad things can be in America. The camera then immediately zooms in a stop sign. This is to show that something needs to change and all the violence needs to stop but it is also done to highlight to the audience that this is happening in America. The film then gives a lot of screen time to the little kids. This is done to make the murders to be more shocking as the kids are meant to represent innocent and it almost acts as a warning to shown is all the pictures that the kids are drawing. The dissolve cut is done as it shows to the audience that the violence on the streets carries on in the classroom, this makes it even more shocking, this highlights how the kids can’t escape it. Before showing the classroom it focuses on the pictures that the children have drawn. The kids are drawing pictures of violence which shows that this is normal to them and that they don’t have a problem with it. This would further shock the audience. Before, while the kids are walking to school they find a street that has lots of blood, the kids are unfazed by what they see. This would shock and surprise the audience as they would expect the kids to be shocked by it. The film also focuses a lot in its setting of the working class urban setting, there is stray dogs t the riots that are to come. There is then a dissolve cut to the classroom were the first thing that ishat run about at the start which highlight how poor the community is, this is further emphasized by all the rubbish about which shows that they live in a dirty horrible place.  This is to highlight how horrific of a place it is to live. The audience would be shocked that this place is in America. On the wall there is a campaign picture for Bush running for presidency which has loads of bullet holes through it, this is to show how this community feels neglected by the president as they want him dead. This eludes to riots that come later. The clip also shows the white middle class female teacher being asking about the black mothers education and being surprised that she goes to college. This is done to highlight a stereotype that the teacher has of black people in this community not being educated. The main theme of the opening is that all of the violence is horrible and will lead to further violence. This is highlighted by it focusing on the kids who seem to have no problem with the violence and see it as normal. Another theme of the opening is race which is highlighted by the community and the argument in the classroom. The argument in the classroom shows that everyone is the same which is highlighted by the main characters speech. The speech also shows that the main character and subsequently his parents are very smart which is a counter type. This is to further show that we are all the same.