Monday 27 April 2020

music video essay

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10] 

In the music video for stop where you are by corrine bailey rae representations are used to promote CBR by showing her not to judge anyone. The music video is all about breaking down stereotypes and showing everyone to be great.

One example of this is at the start of the video, where it shows a young Indian girl, wearing a hoodie, the hoodie could give of connotations of someone who is bad. However, the music video shows her to be sad and does this by a longshot as this shows how she feels insignificant. CBR, then heads over to her and after they start talking the girl becomes happier, this therefore represents CBR as someone who can help others.

Another example in which the video for stop where you are breaks down stereotypes is with the homeless women. This already breaks down a stereotype has the stereotypical homeless person would be a middle aged man. They first of make the homeless woman come across as extremely aggresive by the way she shouts at the man passing her, they also make her seem more aggressive by doing lots of quick cuts. However, when the man comes back he has a conversation with the homeless woman and she is shown to be nice, this is another example of the video breaking down stereotypes.

Another way in which the video for stop where you are promotes CBR is during the chorus. Right before the chorus CBR is walking through the flats when she is bumped into by a teenage black man wearing a hoodie, this would already give the audience connotations of someone who is to be avoided as they could be part of a gang. This is reinforced by the video as it quickly pans into CBR who is looking worried. However, as the chorus starts he goes into slow motion and starts dancing. This is significant as it shows another false stereotype being broken down. It also implies that CBR brings out the best in people. The use of slow motion also helps to fit in with lyrics of the chorus as it says "stop where you are" when the slow motion.

In the video for stop where you are the location is also use to promote CBR and project her in a positive light. The video is set in a large, dark flat. This would already give of connotations of somewhere that is not nice to live. However, as CBR starts to walk through there is shots of the sun rising through cracks in the building. This therefore gives connotations of hope and therefore shows that the building is not bad, this idea is consistently reinforced by the video as it shows the people who live there doing great things. It also implies that could be because of CBR as these shots always follow shots off her.

In conclusion the video of stop where you are portrays CBR in a positive light by the way false stereotypes are broken down in the video and how it shows CBR role in doing this.

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