Monday 3 February 2020

Jungle book interviews

1) What was the task you were given?  How does it fit with your Jungle Book learning? 
The task we were given was to Film an interview pretending we were the casting director and producer of the jungle book. This was so we could give information we have learnt on the film. This was to consolidate our learning.

2) Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?
I worked with Kai. We divided the work evenly with us each doing our own research and coming up with our own questions and answers. We also took in turn to film and be interviewed.

3) If you were to use it for revision would you have all the information you need for production and marketing? If not, what's missing?
We would have mostly all of the information needed as we talked about the production with the technology used and the different marketing strategies. However, we could have added more detail which would be helpful for revision.

4) How did you plan your sequence?
To plan the sequence we firstly wrote a script so we knew what to say and when.
5) What research/prior knowledge did you use? 
A lot of our research came from previous classwork. We used the power points used in class to get information.

6) Upon reflection, what do you think of your interview? How successful was it?
Upon reflection I think that the interview went well as the we gave a lot of information and the editing was really successful. 
6) What would you do to improve/do differently.
To improve I would make sure that the audio matches up with the visuals when editing. 
7) What have you learnt from completing this task (groups skills, communication, compromise, using your initiative, creative input, production skills, editing etc)
From the task I have learnt a lot about the Jungle Book and how to work successfully in a team.
8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant/helpful? 
This learning will be significant as I can use as revision when I have exams.

9) What do you think the intent of the learning was? How does it link to past lessons, future learning? Why do you think these tasks have been chosen to aid learning? Can you state how the tasks/activities helped to develop skills, understanding and knowledge?
The intent of the lesson was for us to consolidate our Jungle Book knowledge in an interesting way. It links past lessons I used previous knowledge and I can therefore now use this knowledge as revision. 

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